Feb 21, 2006 20:13
K. Hey yall.
I'm just gonna be open with you guys about my relationship with God these past few months.. and I'm just going to ask yall to pray for me and stuff.. because that would rock tremendously.
Well, I'm going to begin at the beginning.. because thats usually how the system usually works best. The beginning of this year sucked MAJORLY. Like... no relationship with God.. no desire for one.. Like, I wanted it.. but I wasn't willing to make the sacrifices. Occasionalyl I'd be like "Hey God, If Youwant me.. come and get me. if You don't, then dont." and that was my attitude and it was terrible. I slipped into like, the worst depression of my entire life, worse than the ones right after I stopped talking to my dad.. and it was because I had no relationship with the Lord, and I depended on myself for so much crap that was pointless for me to put up with when all along He was standing there like "Kate.. I want to help you, I want to take over for you so you can rest but you seriously do think that you can do this on your own even after I taught you a long time ago that you honestly CANT without ME." But of course, I was just like "bull crap, my life my problems" type attitude which wont get anyone anywhere ever. About late december/early january.. I was at the LOWEST spiritual low I've ever been, giving up on every relationship God ever blessed me with, friends, family, the body.. I wasn't willing to work at them because Satan really just leaped into my mind and showed me flaws in all these people who I am so in love with. Ski trip 06.. I finally gave up the fight.. and I rededicated my life to God... because I was sick of it all. And God's been showing me sacrifices that I need to make for His sake: one being music. I'm SO affected by music. Its going in my room 100% of the time (except for now, I blew my speakers.. which is probably something God wanted, because I felt my foot slipping for a period of time about a week ago) But yea.. I started listening to all of this secular music.. which wasnt "Bad" or directly "ungodly" music.. but it was shifting my focus on other things beside the Lord. So, I felt God being like.. "Kate.. you seriously need a music make-over." So.. yea.. I am strictly listening to Christian music.. and God is still pruning that deal and now he's saying "Music that isnt just labeled Christian.. but actually worships Me." So.. I've been listening to overwhelming amounts of Worship Circle.. which is ABSOLUTELY amazing.
So, another thing I've been struggling with is persecution.. so if yall could pray for me about that.. that would be SO awesome. I've been really heartbroken lately because of some people's words.. and I've just really been letting that get to me recently.
Soooo... I just want all of you guys to know how much I am in love with you. Yall have been my brothers and sisters since the beginning of all of this.. and I know ALL of us are going through stuff right now, but I promise.. God will make us even more Godly after this. He's not going to let us go... I REJOICE for you guys everytime I remember you in my prayers. I'm not discluding one person... right now I am thinking of EACH OF YOU indiviually.. and how beautiful and GODLY you are. Lets encourage eachother in our God... lets bind together because a cord of three strands can not be broken. We won't be broken by all of this nonsense stuff going on... God will pull us through and we will all be so much better after it. I love you. I AGAPE you.
and over all those virtues put on LOVE, which BINDS them all together in PERFECT UNITY.
I am so in love with, I am so in Love with, I am so in LOVE with You, my lord my God
I can not hide...
You are so amazing and beautiful, You are my beginning
You are where my heart is, and will always be
You are the theif of my heart
and I can not explain You.. I can not understand You..
but I do Love Yours ways because they are PERFECT
and they are for my good..
You have always led me.. and when I was too weak to walk besdie You.. You carried me.
You are my everything.. You shine.. You are the light at my feet.
Beautiful One...
Be Glorified.
Your Kate.