(no subject)

Mar 06, 2006 13:50

Have fun!

THIS IS A SURVEY WITH A TWIST - YOU fill in the blanks about ME and ONLY ME. But you have to post it in your LJ as well. BE HONEST, they're really cool to get back, you might find something you missed before.

1. My name:

2. Where did we meet?

3. Take a stab at my middle name:

4. How long have you known me?

5. When is the last time we saw each other?

6. What's my favorite color?

7. Do I believe in God?

8. When you first saw me what was your impression?

9. Month of my Birthday?

10. Color hair?

11. Color eyes?

12. Do I have any siblings?

13. What's one of my favorite things to do outdoors?

14. What's one of my favorite things to do indoors?

15. Am I a morning person or night person?

16. What's my favorite type of music?

17. Am I shy or outgoing?

18. Would you say I am funny ha ha or funny sarcastic?

19. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?

20. Would you consider me a friend, an acquaintance, or a good friend?

21. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie,glamorous, nerdy, snobby, or something else? If something else, what then?

22. Have you ever seen me cry?

23. If there were one good nickname for me what would it be?

24. Are my parents still together?

25. If I had broccoli stuck in my teeth would you tell me?

26. Do you or have you ever admired me?

27. If there would one thing you could say to me, what would it be?

That's all... Just reply to this post with your answers. Be honest... its ok if you thought I was a B the first time we met! :-P
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