The other day I wandered up the garden with a couple of friends, and realized that there was bounty! In a Bun Dance, even! The apples were ripening on both little trees, and the crab apple is laden... In a month or so there will be a whole tree-full of cherry coloured cherry-sized crab apples, to make more crable apple jelly and wine than I prbably need!
And I realized as we went that everywhere we looked were ripening brambles... This garden is like the courtyard of Sleeping Beauty's palace!
So this afternoon I went out and picked brambles. In a short time, I had about three pounds of fruit. That, with three pounds of sugar. will make a very fine first boiling of bramble jam!
Brambles, honeysuckle, and clematis all of a tangle!
Katy tree in full fruit!
The crab apple my Father in Law gave us when we moved in, 27 years ago!
James Grieves, I think...
The damson that planted itself!
Low level brambles by the shed...
A bowl filled with the wild bounty of the garden!
As I said on Facebook, it says something about the state of your garden when you have to disentangle the clematis from next door from the three different honeysuckles on YOUR side, and lift the tendrils out of the way to get at the brambles!
I also appear to have a plant that has ripening apples, brambles, and damsons all on the same branch..
There will be an update when the jam is done. :)