Answered Prayers

Jul 18, 2016 12:39

God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.

I just finished talking with a wonderful lady named Wendy. I was having a problem with getting a
bill paying mixup straightened out and she fixed it all in about 15 minutes. I had been stewing about his ALL weekend, because of course, the notice from the company that said the bill was going to a collection agency came on Saturday when I couldn't call anyone to try and fix it.
Unbeknownst to me, she had all the stuff that I had faxed to them in April..mainly the copy of my canceled check so they wouldn't keep saying I still owed them my file. Just like that...all straightened out! A small miracle, thank you, Jesus, thank you!

(They finally got around to sending me a statement indicating that they DID find the money.
Thank goodness.)

daily life, answered prayers

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