Jun 22, 2009 09:00
I love reading. I don't watch any TV (except what I get in the background when my family watches) and I rarely go to movies. To me, the perfect afternoon is one spent with a book. Favorite recent purchase: Kindle2. I read constantly now.
I joined LJ to access communities for series I love that don't have their own independent forums. My first two are dedicated to Rob Thurman and Megan Whalen Turner. I'm always on the lookout for more.
Anime and manga are other interests of mine, but it seems that so many of the things I start out loving end up kind of squicky or disappointing after a while. So I've been drifting away from that.
So that's who I am. I'm a mom and an avid reader. I write, but for now it's just a hobby. If I like the completed work enough I might try to get published. Reading about the experiences of other published authors doesn't fill me with much enthusiasm for the system, though. :-P
I have a master's degree but not in LiveJournal. I still haven't figured everything out as far as LJ is concerned. What it offers, what's available and what's expected. So, if anyone contacts me and I'm clueless about it ... apologies.