Aug 04, 2005 20:45
okay i really have to try and stop buying now on ebay, maybe i could get some way of it been banned from my computer;) I dont have a huge fascination with Harley Davidson but i just love a lot of the clothing, i got this top from a seller and it arrived yesterday, i love it;) Today wasnt so bad at all, okay it was crazy busy, served 320 customers which is a lot more than the average day, I had an appointment today with my dentist, I am having problems again with my teeth;( I thought when i had all my wisdoms out that would be it, but it seems not, for the last few nights I have woke up with terrible pains in my gums on the right side, i have a tooth there that is badly eroded and he tells me today that i have to see a specialist to have a root canal or have it extracted, I dont want to have it removed though so i am going ahead with the root canal, fuck it anyway!! he cant do it in there as it will be a long procedure and too awkward, so he says, so now i have to once again go back to paying private, argghhh!!! I hate dentists full stop, always have done since i was kid, who does like them!! but with me I have had a deep fear going back years, I thought i had overcome it when i had all my wisdoms out, i mean if i can go through been knocked out having 2 teeth at the bottom pulled out, then ending up with stitches in my gums for weeks after then i can go through anything but its not that way, i was so scared today whilst waiting for him to see me, i mean my palms were sweating, i was rigid with fright, it was just horrible, he told me that a lotof my problems with this tooth is that i smoke i Know that of course but jesus i cant quit and thats it, I will try though!!! Whilst i was in there I was talking to him after and a guy came past that works there too, he was totally amazingly beautiful about 28ish, i have seen him before and i dont know where, he looks at me and i am looking at him and we are having this amzing stare that seems to go on for ages, where the fuck have i seen him before!!!Its one of those things that i am going to try and remember now till i get the answer, wrecking my head trying to work it out since..anyway i am going to make myself a salad now, so hungryxoxoxoxoxoxo