ospreyphoto throws the best parties.
I met
ospreyphoto's cute(evil) dogs.
There was good food.
There was good music.
There was more good food.
They convinced me to eat the chocolate. (And I'd gone a month without caffeine too. *sigh* Oh well.)
Many random pictures were taken.
I found out that, yes, everything is a sexual metaphor.
There was random balloon popping incidents.
ospreyphoto and I hid in the corner while Something Disturbing happened on the bed.
There were many groping incidents.
Mat ate my Magic Skittle Circle.
Water balloons kept exploding on me as I tried to fill them up.
I was convinced to get into the Lake. There was lakeweed. Something slimy kept swimming past my leg.
A water balloon fight ensued.
The shape of the water balloons was cause for much fun.
When it got dark, hide and seek was play outside.
Someone across the lake lit up a bonfire. The smoke from it made the entire neighbourhood happy.
In a last-ditch attempt for a hiding spot,
ospreyphoto, Nils and I all climbed under a truck cab left on the ground. It was squishy.
ospreyphoto complained someone was touching him. I apologised for squishing his knees. Then I realised he meant Nils, who had his hand on his ass. I couldn't stop giggling. This was promptly stopped when Nils tried to move and I got feet in my face. When he moved them, they came to rest on my breasts, which wasn't better at all. Then there was more trying to move that didn't really work because
ospreyphoto and Nils ended up squished together like a pancake with me flailed out over their legs. Then we got found because we just couldn't stop laughing.
I am not very good at summarising events, as you can probably tell.
The End.
No, wait there's more: I should never have let them convince me to go in the water. I swim not-so-fish-like.
In other news, the sequel to
Apocalypse is nearing completion, just have to finish one scene that is being troublesome. And then there's proof-reading & revising.
Also my youngest sister is away at camp this week. *happy dance*