The LJ Lives!

Jul 29, 2020 22:04

Shortly after my previous post, I was horror-struck to discover that my LiveJournal password had expired. I was still logged in on the app on my phone (which I proceeded to drop in a toilet!), but I needed to retrieve a link to reset my LJ password via email.

Since my LJ was created in 2002, I went wayyyyy back to the email I used back then. For my security, that email required me to use additional verification of my identity, linking me to either a phone number I no longer have or a Hotmail account that apparently no longer exists.

This LiveJournal was a goner.

Until a few minutes ago, when I had a fabulous light bulb moment and checked an email not from 2002, but from the later 2000s using my maiden name.

Voila! THAT was the email! My password is reset. My LJ's future is secure.

Oh, happy day!

Seriously. That's the best news I've had all day.

Now... does that say more about how my day went or about how happy I am to have my LiveJournal? I'm reading Bob Goff's book Dream Big, and I glanced ahead a bit to a part that said to write 1,000 words per day, whether or not one is actually writing a book, and so here I am, kids in bed (but - most unusually -- getting up to interrupt me already... get behind me, Satan!), tapping away on the keys. I am serious about life change.

So, regarding the best news I've had all day: I'm just "hanging in there" emotionally after having baby. Much better than the off-my-rocker postpartum depression after baby numero uno, nowhere near as good as the bliss of baby numero dos. Somewhere in the middle. Which is reflective of my emotions during each of those pregnancies as well.

#1: weeping. sobbing. sobbing. weeping.

#2: SO HAPPY!!!

#3: As I interruped my boss when she tried to congratulate me on the pregnancy: "Ugh, I feel like crap."

Speaking of baby numero tres, he's awake. Gotta go. So much for 1,000 words this time...

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