A few weeks ago, I asked Jon if he thought we had Corona virus. "How could we tell, given that we've been sick all year?" We came back from
our Christmas vacation with a cold that hit Jon so bad, he thought it might be flu. When we retrieved the baby from Grandma's, he brought back Coxsackie virus. Jon woke me up at 4:20 am on the Tuesday after MLK to say that he was having chest pains and going to the ER. It turned out he had pericarditis from all the coughing he'd been doing that month, so they kept him in the hospital for 3 nights. I kept things running at home, thanks to the babysitter, and visited him every day.
He and Lucky were scheduled to go to Joshua Tree for midwinter recess and they did, with perhaps slightly less hiking than planned. That's a pretty good recovery.
I never got so sick I had to miss work during all this, but I did work from home twice. I started doing daily work on Corona virus in late January, and wondered if I had a cold and suggestibility. I didn't feel great on Monday, March 9, but it was mostly the sniffles, so I dragged myself to work because I had an in-person only lunch meeting. As I was dressing for work, I told Jon, "They better have this meeting, because otherwise I'd work from home." As I arrived at my work subway stop, I got a company-wide memo stating we could no longer have meetings over 25 people -- they cancelled before I finished my breakfast. Grr.
That was the last time I went to the office. I really wish I'd brought my good headset home.
I was sniffly all week and when I coughed, people gave me dirty looks, which was my excuse for staying home. The baby had a well-child visit to the doctor, who looked at his goopy eyes and prescribed an antibiotic ointment; looked at his leg rash and suggested Cerave; and noted that his lymph nodes were a little swollen, maybe he has cold?
Lexan was coughing at night and so droopy, he was willing to go to bed early. He never had a fever though, unlike the baby.
He was running warm when he came back from daycare on Weds and feverish Thursday. We started giving him children's tylenol, as one does. Thursday night was a bad night: he had a 101F fever and got tylenol at 11:30. At 2 he was so upset, I brought him to bed with me and slept with my arms wrapped around his heat. At 4:30 he would no longer sleep at all, so I took his temperature. 102.9F. I waited an agonizing hour for his next dose of tylenol and held him in my arms for 5 hours. We woke 10 mins before mommy's conference call, a sweaty mess. Daddy watched the boys for 1.5 hours during my calls. When I was done, I put the baby down for a nap (and sent Jon to work). 5 hours later, he finished his nap and was his smiley, giggly self again, baruch hashem.
I date Thursday night as the beginning of our isolation. We stayed in all weekend because no one was quite up to going to synagogue or our usual museum-ing. Jon had aches and pains and my siblings implored me to take care of him, due to his high risk and advanced age. (He's almost 2 decades older than my baby brother and we have better proof than most of the health of his heart.)
Earlier in the month, I'd heard that Decoy, the restaurant that supposedly has the best Peking duck in the city, had reservations available, so we got one for our anniversary. The city announced all bars and restaurants would be closed the next day, then they moved it up to the day of our anniversary. The restaurant offered us takeout, which we ended up doing, and it was so good, I hope it's still around for a dine-in meal. (We didn't try to get the foie gras and strawberries, shaped like a duck.)
We were supposed to leave for Florida, for Lexan's spring break, on Tuesday with my mother, but cancelled because she has my grandfather living with her (and is incapable of recognizing the danger to him). It was the right decision, but we really needed the break (and the vitamin D).
A day or two later, my chest was bothering me, like a cold was settling into my lungs. It's stayed like that for several days, despite my almost regularly taking Cold Eez. My body told me I needed humidity, so we got that going, and I've been walking around in a scarf and fleece when it was in the 70s.
I have no idea what this all adds up to, and I probably never will.
This post was made on Dreamwidth & crossposted to LJ.
The dreamwidth post is here:
https://katestine.dreamwidth.org/1385066.html and has