This Christmas winter consumerist holiday seems to be all about multiples: I would've really liked to get the exact same present for all three of my siblings (a cheap version of a Thermopen and a possibly handmade but probably store bought (but clever!) spoon rest) and I'll probably get Julian and Jon's kids the same present. Originally the last two were going to get Dominion, bc I thought the Cozikins play it with their kids, but the more I read reviews online, the more I think a simpler game like
Carcassone would be better. Julian and Jon's kids are 8 and 9; the junior Cozikins are younger. As it is, Jon's birthday present, which he is sharing with his son a week before Christmas, is tickets to a Broadway show probably too mature for the small person. *sighs*
I'm trying to decide if I buy someone a game for Christmas, how likely is my family to want to play it immediately. It's the perfect game for this person, but it's full of adult references.
Speaking of family, I really wish I knew who my secret santa recipient is going to be so I could finish my winter consumerist holiday shopping already.
I keep lists of things I want to get people - mostly books, bc of the golden rule - but I'm always startled when my partners mention working on my presents. weird.
I have a list of things I want, but realized most of it is random things I want but refuse to pay shipping for bc I only want one thing from that online shop. oops. That's how I missed out on the Jeeves alarm clock... grr. And they are all very specific things, bc I hate getting weird presents bc I can't throw Stuff out. Grr. On the plus side, I'd say I've gotten about half the things from
the last time I posted a greed list: sex no longer requires going out of town, I own too many sweaters, I got my John Ringo dress, I've discovered the right floor at Saks and
Saint Harridan. I'm really lucky -- and I get so many gifts every day from my wonderful friends, gifts of time and energy and attention, that it seems ridiculous we have a season where we're supposed to =buy= things for each other.
Aren't you glad we're not on a gift-giving basis?