Buying books is hard

Dec 09, 2011 12:04

I've decided to start giving myself a book for every rejection letter I get from job applications. Reward the process, not the outcomes, and all that. (And, strictly speaking, the outcome will be the reward. Plus, I promised myself a pair of Ferragamo pumps once I get an in-person interview, so.)

I've even picked the book for my first rejection, which I got earlier this week: William Poundstone's Priceless. I loved his book about the Prisoner's Dilemma when I was in hs, and this new one is the perfect subway book, with 5pg chapters. However, I've had the hardcover out from the library for about 30 weeks now and I still haven't made it a quarter of the way through. Some of it is that I have a game machine on me at all times now, some of it is that I've been spastically reading about Lightroom, and some of it is the hardcover is a little bulky to pull out of my handbag on a crowded train. Some of it also is that I can't mark the pages: the first chapter already has phrases I want to Google.


What sayest thou, gentle readers?

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Edit: For those who are wondering, I never did end up buying either book from the last book poll: I decided I have enough things to listen to for now. Then again, even though I've only run 100mi this year, I bought myself a spare pair of Nike sneakers (they were only $50!) in prep for my 2012 marathon. ah well.

pricing, poll, reading, audiobooks, via ljapp, shiny, career

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