May 27, 2009 05:45
I love this time of year - light = happiness - but I don't love not being able to sleep bc the sun is up. This year, anxiety is not helping: even though I went to bed too late, I was up at 5am. The minute I saw the clock, my first thought was, "I could watch my [elided] video before work!" *cries*
The guy speaks too slowly, but there's good stuff in here. Considering part of why I went to bed too late is I kept wanting to do one more problem set, and I finally got >70%! on one, I feel like I deserve a break. I want hot guilt-free sex that's all about me, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Wow, there's really interesting stuff in here.
I also realized I pretty much can't drink between now and the exam, grawr. It'd be nice if I could de-stress that way, but I dare not risk killing the wrong brain cells. grr.
I hate feeling nauseous from lack of sleep. And hungry.
Surely with all this studying, if I work out immediately after work, I can maybe go to tomo's class tonight.
I wish this video had proper video controls, like rewind. durr.