This was a bizarrely social weekend. The two seders were fine.
No one told the contrary child we were celebrating Passover, so he bought opera tickets for his gf for the first night. Sucka! The matzoh balls were leaden and the wine was horrific (I still don't get the logic by which my mum decided that you have to serve sweet wine at seder, just bc Manischewitz is sweet. NO!!) Thurs was quiet in the office and I organized a car to take us to our cousin's seder. Her twins are adorable, I'm still getting used to her husband, but otherwise it was fairly subdued.
I got almost nothing done Fri, thanks to
waking up in A Mood and then trawling the dark side of the Intarwebs for HRG icons. There's a lot of ghastly lj's out there by people who seriously need to get a life; I got a few satisfactory icons but I think it would've been faster to learn to use Photoshop myself though.
It was nice to see folks I rarely get to see. I saw Kat twice! and had dinner (and book delivery & discussion!) with
thewronghands. Sat I did
Nancy and got a visit from Clark Kent that has me grinning two days later. I started studying that night - only to fall quickly and deeply asleep on my books. d'oh!
Sun morning, the Lifebringer brought me coffee. It was fully caffeinated, so I was a crackmonkey for several hours before falling asleep on my books again. It took him forever to convince me I wouldn't get weaker from doing Crossfit and that gals who are frantically cramming their brain with arcane knowledge should NOT
take up hobbies where they need to learn new techniques like martial arts or pole dancing or rock climbing. And he, alas, pointed out that I'm happiest when I'm sore from something and I'll probably spend the three weeks of the class horribly sore, so. Also,
all the cool kids are doing it. Then the Easter Spider dropped off a basket for me YAAY!
I ran a 6mi loop and then my sister came over. I thought she was stopping by to pick up stuff, but she decided to hang out while I took a bath and give herself a mask at the same time. It was nice to hear all about why our cousin's going to McGill and why our baby cousin is obsessed with duckies. (Apparently she was traumatized when Bbro ripped the head off a marzipan duck and ate it in front of her.) Unfortunately, it meant I got no more studying done last night, so I've still got a pset to go before I'm done with the engineering units. I'd say "Surely this is the end of the really hard stuff," but every time I come to a new section, I declare, "I'm not smart enough to understand this," and then I do. I'm still glad I only have to demonstrate how this stuff is used and not calculate though. And then this week is more extreme socialness, so I don't know when I'll catch up.
I mentioned in passing that I'd be signing up for the xfit elements class and my sister immediately got excited and decided she wanted to do it too. We took the last two spots in the six person class and I fell asleep thinking about all the ways this could go horribly wrong. Like, seeing a relative twice a week wrong. And then I dreamed that the xfit class was crowded and people kept taking my towel or my spot on the floor and then they organized the class into groups based on testosteroneyness and I got put in the highest group so I was stuck with all these gorilla guys. It was horrible and I was so relieved to finally wake up.