It's been a week since
my haircut and I'm crying fail: it's just as unmanageable as it was 2 weeks ago :( I won't go back to Susan, but I might try another person at the same salon, bc convenience is important when you work out eleventy-seven times a week. Also, next haircut, I'm not letting them talk me into anything, I'm really really growing it out this time. Despite getting compliments from my trapeze instructor, who also commented, "Yeah, people tend to cut their hair shorter and shorter as they progress in aerial," gesturing to his delts. Heh.
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that the only thing that matters about clothes is fit. Unfortunately, I might be saying that bc I've discovered that nothing in my closet fits - and might not have fit properly even when I bought it *bangs head on desk* I think it's just not something I've been trained to observe closely enough, although some of it can't be helped: my shirts are rarely short enough and my waist is too short to tuck them in. This most recent crisis reared its head yesterday when I discovered the only attractive pair of pants in which I fit are plain black, which I can't actually wear everyday. Since I was going for drinks with cow orkers and contacts, I ended up wearing a skirt, bc at least those don't drag on the floor when the waist is too big. Which meant heels. Which meant I had to leave after an hour of standing, bc my knees were crying. Also, shouldn't stronger thighs mean less pain in heels, not more? On the other hand, I received many compliments on the skirt and my cubemate's remark was, "I thought I recognized those calves." :)
At least I can wear a suit to work today. Speaking of which, anyone have recommendations as to which stores/designers cut their jacket shoulders particularly broadly?
I noticed in passing this morning that I'm down about 2lbs since
New Year's and my resolution to get down to the 10s. Can't say I cared much: while packing for last weekend, I happened to try on a 20" corset, the one I was positive would never ever fit bc my ribs are too big. I won't say it fit, but it no longer looks ridiculous that it might someday fit. That said, I think I've been spoiled by some of the recent inch losses: I wildly overestimated how long I could wear my 22" when tightened. Ah well, she says, as she eats her oatmeal and fruit.