Nov 15, 2008 02:24
some awesome little shit went down with me the last few days...
last night i went to a club with my roommate and literally thirty seconds after walking in, some drunk bitch walks up to us with a drink and says, "i'm too drunk to drink all of this. can you help me?" and then tantilizes me by putting the drink in my face. so i drank some. and it was wonderful. appx four months til i'm 21 and shit like this wont be a big deal lol.
then this morning i went to get some gas. i bought a pack of cigarettes, handed the clerk a twenty and asked him to put the rest on pump 10. i return to the pump, start pumping my gas then go to pack my stoges. once finished with that task, i go to check on the gas situation cuz it should be ending shortly and i noticed that twenty dollars has been pumped into my tank... but i had only paid fifteen... i stopped the pump, completely confused and then tried pumping again, and it still worked. so i popped that mother fuckin latch back down and filled my tank for a mere 15 dollars. wish i chosen premium now lol.
and then sabrina on sunday! yee!