Jun 03, 2005 20:58
I CAN'T STAND ALGEBRA II :( My teacher was so relentless, i have a 78.4 semester average, so i had to get and 83 to get a B semester average, so I try so freaking hard and study and work on my review, and I got a 63... wow i don't even know how cause it didn't even seem that hard. 20 effing points... i don't know where they went, and I don't know how they're missing, but they are and i'm so emo right now because of it. Definitely not in Mu Alpha Theta any more and you have no idea how much that kills me. I don't know how I'm going to tell my mom. She was trying to figure out if my GPA was high enough to get into NHS, and i don't know how she thought she was going to figure that out, but it's definitely not, and that kills me too. My parents want me to go to a year of community college before I go to the college of my choice, and that kills me. I've been talking about how much senior year is going to kill me next year with the courses I'm taking, but neither my councelor or my mom will let me get out of upper level classes, so i'm basically going to die soon. My mom held me hostage today, and made me sell ads and it's so frustrating... I hate it!!! She also made me call a million people and basically I want to do way too much more than I can handle, but I really need to do alot of the stuff I want to do too... I dunno. I keep getting confused, but no Matt that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian!! I did get to go shopping and that was cool, but when we went to old navy the manager was being a faggot and they had this sign up that said 2 for $10 and in small print it said original price 8.50 or 10.50, so my mom and I grabbed these 2 tanks one was solid one was striped, one was 8.50 one was 10.50 so we get to the register, and the total was alot more than we thought it was going to be, so we told the chashier a/b the sign and the manager comes up and has this evil look in his eyes, but he's smiling, and he was like the sale only applies to the solid tanks, and we were like whaaaat? there was nothing that said solids only. and my mom was defending herself, and the guy was like well i can take you back there and show you, and we were both thinking you're a horrible person. my mom just said i'm not going to argue I'm just not going to buy them if you won't give us the sale. We were both really annoyed by that man, and so was the lady behind us because she did the same thing. My mom and I went to Barton Springs and got virgin strawberry daquiris or however u spell that, and they were the best ones we've ever tasted (she's tasted more than me and she agreed) So yeah I have some new clothes and stuff, and i'm so tired cause i'm still sick, and I'm stuck at home. My brother and his girlfriend cooked dinner, and it ended up feeding everyone. I didn't think it was going to be good, but it was, it was really good. then they made us strawberry short cake with the strawberries they picked yesterday, so that was cool. That's about it. I am tired of emo-ness RAWR!! much <3 ~kt