The Other Woman

Jul 12, 2009 20:27

Title: The Other Woman
Word Count: 189
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Through "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"
Disclaimer: BBC and RTD owns all things Torchwood.
Warnings: None
Summary: Chocolate
Notes:I was digging through my files and discovered this, which I wrote last summer and never posted.  Belatedly for the horizonssing challenges. This one is for Day 7   Massively unbetaed, all comments appreciated.

The Other Woman

Ianto know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he should not be doing this. Jack was already starting to wonder where he went. Jealousy didn't suit him, Ianto thought, as he made the last of his arrangements. Part of him enjoyed watching Jack's face as he turned him down in favor of “plans with my girl.” He knew he would hear about that tomorrow. And this was SUCH a bad idea. But as had become his habit since Jack's absence, when the moon was dark, he found himself stealing away.

The city was already dark when he started up the stairs of his apartment building. The air was nearly stifling at ground level, but he knew it would be cooler on the roof. He stopped for a moment to change his clothes and grab a few necessities. He patted the pocket of his shorts as he climbed, making sure he'd remembered her favorite. Nothing but the best for his girl. He carried the small bag upstairs, secure in the knowledge that she would be there, waiting for him. She always was - it was one of the things about her he loved best.

He opened the door and there she was, waiting on the rooftop just for him. She purred softly in response to his greeting. He smiled, reaching into his pocket for the chocolate he'd brought her and she made a soft sound of appreciation before tearing into the treat.

Ianto watched her eat, running his fingers along her smooth skin, feeling her move into his touch. “That's my girl,” he murmured. “My beautiful, beautiful girl.” She sighed and moved closer, head against his as their bodies brushed. Her skin was cool against his, her legs brushing his, bare feet against his sneakers. “Jack would be so jealous of me, here like this with you.”

“Especially with you in that outfit.” Jack's voice was cool and the door slammed behind him as Ianto turned in the embrace. “I have to say, I didn't expect this.”

“Jack, I can explain,” Ianto started, only to be stopped by Jack's lips against his.

After a moment, Jack pulled back and looked Ianto's companion in the eye. “You ditched me for him?” She turned away, nuzzling Ianto's hair and startling a laugh from the younger man.

“It started when you were away. We were both lonely.” Ianto looked at his companion, running a hand down her neck. “We needed each other.”

Jack looked down, spotting the bag and the wrapper beside it. “Wooing her with chocolate, Ianto?” Ianto shrugged, looking at his companion.

“Whatever works, sir, you taught me that.” He glanced back at the older man and winked. Then he pulled a large fabric bone from the bag, walked to the edge of the roof and tossed it away. Jack settled back and watched Ianto play fetch with Myfanwy.

torchwood, my fic

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