Because the cool kids are doing it.

Jul 13, 2008 15:39

Title: Far Away Blues
Author: katestamps
Word Count: 383
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Owen/Katie
Spoilers: Really just "Fragments"
Disclaimer: BBC and RTD own all things Torchwood.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Owen likes rain
Notes:  The first of horizonssing challenges.  Because all the cool kids are doing it.  Title comes from the Joe Purdy some of the same name.
"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon;
to me those have always been the two most
beautiful words in the English language."

- Henry James

Owen hated sunny days. Especially sunny summer days, when the world seemed to slow and everything took on a lovely golden haze.

Sure, he bitched about the rain, but it was Wales, and he was London born and bred. And besides, he was Owen and he bitched about everything, and since when was the weather going to be the exception? He even sort of liked the rain, now. Summer rain especially, when you didn't have to worry about taking a chill and the rain kept away the worst of the busybodies that seemed to flock to him when he was outdoors alone.

He'd like the sun, Before.

That's how he thought of it now: Before. As if his life could be so easily divided into Before and After. As if he could go back.


It was a summer afternoon, the kind of afternoon that comes twenty, thirty, maybe even fifty times a summer, where the sun is warm and the breeze is cool and the trees give just enough shade to keep any of it from becoming unbearable. It was the sort of afternoon that almost required a picnic and a blanket and a girl to share them with and so here they were, he and Katie, stretched out in a post-picnic haze watching the bees buzz through the trees above their heads.

“I love you, Owen Harper,” she'd murmured against his shoulder, hair slipping through his fingers.

“I love you, soon-to-be-Mrs. Harper,” he'd replied, and she'd sat up, all indignant and begun a mock-argument over changing her name and women's lib and modern times which had dissolved into a tickle-fight and had only truly ended when they'd kissed each other breathless. “I love you,” he'd murmured against her hair. “I love you and I don't care what your name is, I'll love you forever.”

Two days later, she'd woken up screaming and couldn't remember his name.


“How's the weather?” Gwen asked, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Toshiko's head lift, turning to look at Ianto as he moved through the hub, arms full of shopping bags.

“Beautiful,” intoned Ianto, and Owen winced, waiting for a soliloquy on sunny afternoons. “Full of lovely summer rain.”

Owen smiled and turned back to his autopsy.

torchwood, my fic, horizonssing

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