I'm finally feeling better, after having had to sleep sitting up propped up on pillows for the last 5 nights or so. I still sound snuffly, and am still getting tired very easily, but I feel a bazillion times better than I did Friday, which was hands-down the worst day of it. Can I just tell you how much I love pseudoephedrine? Like whoa. It's too bad manufacturers are avoiding putting this in their stuff now (thanks, meth-heads), because this is the only stuff that actually worked this whole time.
It felt nice to be at work today, as I called out Thursday and Friday. I got my new minion employee today, and spent today training her up. I've been pretty organized with this so far, so hopefully it will stay that way and I'll be able to sort of work out a training program we can use with all new tech support employees (I wrote a cheesy, cheesy quiz for her to take today, I kinda want to do a little quiz every day just to go over the stuff we talked about that day, nothing special or fancy, but just to call attention to the important points).
OH! If you like pumpkin pie and egg nog (and possibly even if you don't like egg nog), get Hood's Pumpkin Egg Nog. This stuff is THE SHIT. Seriously, you guys. It's like liquid pumpkin pie. I got it when we were out at the store yesterday, and was like "SHAZAAM!" when I drank it.
Also! So excited! I baked my first loaf of bread ever in my bread machine yesterday. It was the Gluten-free Pantry's French Bread that I had tasted over
amberle85's. It came out really good, but I divided it in half (since the breadmaker is a 1.5 pounder, and the bread mix says 2 lb) so it's really, really short. Like an inch and a half tall, hehe. 'Course, the 1.5 lbs is most likely listed for fluffy wheat-based breads, so next time I'll try the whole box and see what happens. :) Still, it tasted good, and that's the important part. :) Yay!
Ok, I'm outta here and off to wing night.