So I think I mentioned in passing something about gluten. If I didn't, then, well, you'll hear all about it below.
So I noticed a while ago that sometimes when I'd have beer (usually it would have to be more than one), I would go through, let's say gastrointestinal distress, soon thereafter. This started at least around New Year's, but maybe earlier and I didn't notice the connection. I thought it was lactose intolerance for the longest time, and it seemed like the lactaid did the trick, but I'd still get ill every once in a while even with the lactaid.
I noticed recently that the said gastointestinal distress has been quite a bit worse and frequent lately, and I happened to notice this correlated with eating, for example, a bunch of couscous, or a bagel, or beer, etc. I talked to my doctor about it, and she agreed that we should test for Celiac Disease (gluten allergy's formal diagnosis).
I took the test on Wednesday, and immediately thereafter I put myself on a gluten free diet (since i couldn't beforehand for fear of a false negative).
The verdict so far? It's only been three days, and I'm still having small lingering issues, but I feel roughly a bazillion times better than I did before. This suggests that I've found the problem.
Which sucks, because I'm totally bummed that I can't have a munchkin when someone brings them in to work. Or pizza from the $5 pizza place around the corner. Or gravy at Thanksgiving.