So. Sorry I've been quiet, but I wasn't feeling all that great yesterday. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Friday was poker. I had a grand old time chatting it up with Amber (and Matt, since he lost his money early) as usual.
Saturday was Bill and Laura's and... wow. A full bottle of Knob Creek (unopened) a sploded in my car, so my car now smells like puke. Isn't that lovely? It was funny though, because the alcohol had evaporated and was wafting through the air in the car, and we both got lightheaded on the drive over, lol. Oops.
We got there around 1ish, and Bill was just starting to barbecue. We played a game of Puerto Rico, which I lost by 1 point to Jon #1 (my Jon was Jon #3, based on the order in which they arrived) and tied with
amberle85. Everyone then headed outside to play volleyball. Josh split his shorts down the seam, so we made fun of him the entire time. I took some funny pictures (only one of Josh's pants, and it wasn't specifically of his pants (or lack thereof), and it wasn't my camera, hehe).
We just kinda hung out after that, ate again, and then played Munchkin. Then Puerto Rico again, and this is where the evening gets interesting. For two reasons:
First off, I broke the Cardinal Law of Drinking: Never, ever let Sebastian mix you a drink. Let alone two. When he hands you a drink and says "You're going to love me for this one", BY GOD, DON'T DRINK IT!
Second, I have become (comfortably numb?) a total lightweight. Seriously, you guys.
So the booty music came on, and I kinda started wandering away from the game to dance with the gals. I'd get called back every once in a while to make a decision in the game, but wasn't paying much attention... but surprise, I won (my strategy was sound, hehe)! ;)
Once that was done, we focused our attention completely on dancing, which was much fun. I even got Jon to dance with me. :)
I was sweaty and hot and completely happy. What a way to end the night. We headed back to Jon's (since he was ok to drive and lives like 10 minutes away from Laura and Bill).
I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging migraine. Jon tended to me because he's a big sweetheart, got my bag and I took my ZOMiG, and he got me wet washcloths to put on my head.
Sunday morning, the migraine was on its way out, but was in full-blown hangover mode. Didn't barf, happy about that.
Eventually we got up and Jon brought me home on his way to work. I did nothing of note other than putz around on the computer and take a nap.
dosboof asked me what was up after I stumbled out of my room at 7pm and when I said "Hungover", he asked "Did you leave any beer for the rest of us?" LOL
Jon came over and we took like an hour to decide what we wanted for dinner. It was actually really nice, because we were just snuggling the entire time. :) We watched Futurama, and got Chiny Foo from Wang's at like 11pm. Watched more Futurama and then headed to bed.
This morning? We were all ready to jump Jon's car and get it started to take to the tire place. Guess what? The car started on its own. o_O Yeah, I have no idea. So with that settled, he drove me to work, and got a new tire. Hooray!
It's been a quiet day today, just trying to deal with all of the waiting questions (ones I am waiting for more information from the supplier before I can answer the customer) so my box will be empty for next week.
Next week! :) :) :) I'm so freaking excited!