I was in the coffee shop downstairs getting my lunch (they make the YUMMIEST sandwiches), and Elton John's "Honky Cat" was on. This amused me because one of my best friends, Sean, had a stuffed Garfield he named Funky Cat that we used to abuse and he would get all mad (we would wet it and throw it in the freezer mostly), and I used to think that the song went "Get that... Funky Cat". Hehe.
Yay, hooray! Christmas music is on! (I freaking love Christmas music) I accidentally mis-sung "It's the most wonderful time fo the year" as "There'll be much mistletoeing and farts will be glowing" and then started cracking up. But we've already established that I'm twelve. I told everyone if I start singing too much to throw something at me. :)
Deb was in Boston yesterday, so I met her after work, we had a beer at Solas, and then ate at the Cheesecake Factory. Note to self: Don't ever try something new there, just get the Factory Burrito that you really like. Note to others: Thai Chicken Pasta... not so good. but we did thoroughly enjoy our Corn Tamales, as usual.
Stolen from
1. Your Livejournal username & what it means.
I first used the name in my domain name. I came up with it because Kate is my grandfather's nickname for me (or Katie May). No one else really calls me that, so it was sort of a little nod to my gramps, who is freaking awesome. The space part is because I'm constantly in outer space I really love stars and astronomy.
2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how well does your Livejournal represent who you actually are?
9ish. The only thing is that I do a lot of complaining in here, I like to think I'm not that much of a complainer IRL. I could be completely wrong about that though.
3. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
A lot. If you're on my super, uber friends filter, practically everything.
4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
Hmmmm, nothing that I can think of. I don't generally talk about politics or religion, but I do every once in a while.
5. On a scale of 1-10, how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?
Eh, 2? Every once in a while I come out with something good, but seriously, it's just moronic babble most of the time.
6. From whom/how did you find out about LJ?
Ummm, don't remember.
deathmatewd? If I remember correctly, it was
deathmatewd that sent me the code (remember when you still needed a code to join?!?).
7. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?
8. What proportion of your posts are Friends Only?
Before the last few months? Very few. Recently? A lot more, maybe like 50/50. I've got uber filters set up, because I'm a geek like that.
09. What is your favorite interest on LJ?
Cheesy disaster movies. Or I can be boring and say music.
10. Has anything on LJ ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something?
11. How often do you respond/comment on other people’s journals?
I read and respond pretty often except if I haven't been on for a while and my flist is like 8 pages of unread posts. Then I might skim. But I reply whenever I see something that interests me.
12. Do you prefer to write in your journal, read other journals?
13. Have you ever had something mean said to you, or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on LJ?
Not really. There have been a few off-hand comments that struck a nerve, but nothing that ever made me angry.
14. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?
No. But I have unfriended people, or silently moved them off my uber-filters because I found out they were talking about stuff I had in friends-locked posts to other people.
15. Who are your favorite LJ friends and why?
I'm not going to play favorites! LOL
16. How many of your LJ friends have you actually met?
Most of them I was friends with in college, or at least before I joined LJ.
dosboof and
sarakenobi are the only LJ friends I ever IRL'd it up with, and a few I have never met.
17. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?
Oh, I don't know. All of my friends are different, that's why I like them.
18. Who are you most likely to add to your friends list?
Someone who can make me laugh out loud at work.
19. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?
No, there are a couple of people who have friended me that have never introduced themselves, so until they do, I'm happy with the status-quo.
20. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?
No introduction. I've added everyone who introduced themselves and was cool.
21. Is your significant other on LJ?
Don't have one.
22. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ?
OH CRAP. My very most hated Christmas song is on. It's like nails on a chalkboard, make it stop! Which one is it? "Little Saint Nick" by the Beach Boys. As I mentioned in that long-ass Christmas meme, "Christmas comes this time each year." No shit, Sherlock.