Jun 21, 2016 19:36

Welcome to my journal!

Wanna be my friend? Wanna have me friend you back? Are you someone who I don't already know? If so, please drop me a note here letting me know who you are, how you found me, and why you decided to friend me.

This journal is friends-only. I don't friend a lot of people. Most of them are people I've known for a good decade, or are friends of friends and have enough interests in common that I trust them. I occasionally talk about personal stuff such as medical issues, personal issues, family issues, work issues, or social issues. Because of this, I don't automatically friend people back. Thus the request for the comment letting me know who you are.

I have stuff to say. I say it. I link it. This should not be considered anything unlike having a conversation in public with friends, where some people may overhear certain things, but where other conversations are shunted off to a special events room. And yes, I do occasionally mutter to myself in the corner.

Sometimes I feel the need to clean house, especially if it seems like I'm passing over entries of people who aren't commenting, and will remove people from my friends list due to that. If you were friended, and really miss reading my entries, feel free to comment below! I'll see about adding you back. :)

[FYI, comments are now screened for privacy purposes.]

cool_stuff, reading, happiness, lj, rant, house, funny, husband, weirdness, school, work, family, personality, w00t!, friends, libraries

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