Stolen from Mike Huckabee, Putting the Economic Recovery Program in Perspective
January 31, 2009 11:07 AM
Jan. 31 - If You Had $1 Trillion...
Mike Huckabee
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If they divide $1 trillion among every American ... each person would get $3,271. ($1,000,000,000,000 / 305,702,054 (U.S. Population) = $3,271)
[source: Census Population Clocks - as of 17:53 GMT (EST+5) Jan 28, 2009]
One trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 - 10 to the 12th power, or a thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand.
To put things in perspective, current estimates put the number of stars in the Milky Way at somewhere between 100 and 400 billion.
$1 trillion would be enough money to buy about a 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies for every person in the United States.
A trillion barrels of oil would - at current consumption levels - fuel the world for about 33 years.
(Author David M. Schwartz, Science Friday; February 8, 2008;)
With $1 trillion, you could put 8.2 million students through a full four years of private college. That's just slightly more than the population of New York City in the latest U.S. Census data.
With $1 trillion, a somewhat different fleet of motorized vehicles could be sent to the Middle East. The average U.S. price of a 2008 Toyota Corolla S, before taxes and fees, was $14,627, according to Automotive Information Center data on At that price, you could buy a new '08 model for each of the almost 60 million people living in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A trillion dollar budget would cover the market values of Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Google, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Time Warner and Apple, according to February 2007 figures in Forbes magazine; and you would be left with more than $23 billion in change to pick up a few 'smaller' companies.
You could buy every major-league professional sports franchise (football, basketball, hockey and baseball) in North America for about $45 billion total, according to recent market values in Forbes magazine. Then, you could pay each of them for more than 100 years, if the players' combined salaries held at 2006-'07 levels of about $9 billion.
The median salary for a family doctor in the United States is $144,719, according to With $1 trillion, you could hire 6.9 million general practitioners, or one for every 43 Americans.
With $1 trillion, you could buy slightly more than 3,000 Airbus A380 jets and some money left over for fuel.
(Source: CBC News: If you had a trillion dollars...
If you had $1 trillion and you spent it at a rate of $1 per second, it would take you 31,709 years to go broke.
(source: US Census; accessed 11/26/08;