"and like she told Mary that Anna told Betsy that I told her that they hooked up"--that makes sense.
Apr 18, 2005 20:54
Ah Ha! He reads it!
Uuugh. I can already tell it's gonna be a stressful week. I have freakin' three tennis matches, tennis practice, i have to babysit, tests, i have to go to the doctor, and my parents are going out of town again. Meaning..i'm home alone. again. I mean..as cool as it sounds..it's sad being alone.
I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. 16 year-old check up. Ahh. It makes me feel uncomfortable. They..they..ahh. They do uncomfortable stuff to make sure you are "healthy". And then..after they "check me up" (hahaha)...the doctor, who is a girl thank God, like goes back into this little room and talks to my mom. And then when i ask her what the talk was about..my mom is always like "nothing. It's not important." Watch me have some crazy disease. That might explain a couple things though...lol.
On a happier note..I freakin' KILLED the girl I played in tennis today. 6-4,6-1; okay not really "killing" but good enough for me when I play singles.
Also..on another happy note, I got to talk to him today. He said I was "awesome" :). K, sorry.
I am wearing Greg's snowboarding coat. Ahh, it's warm and fuzzy on the inside. I look like an idiot though becuase well..it's twice the size of me and i have the hood up.
I'm also wearing Greg's shirt. I guess I kinda miss him.
I woke up at 3:24 last night. I stayed up til 3:50 just thinking. Ahh, I didn't WANT to think, I wanted to go to sleep. But my mind was spazzing out about certain things and people..and just..uuugh.
So basically I am running on like...5 hours of sleep.