(no subject)

May 29, 2007 09:13

     Well, the week started off pretty wack, fighting all over the place with everyone. But things are back to normal and the weekend was freakin amaaaazing. Bars, beaches, and a few drinks here and there ;] Got myself a nice starter tan, helps me build up for an even better tan. I lost my camera this weekend, my LOVE. I take pictures of everything I do, those are my MEMORIES. I mean I've had this journal since 01, that's A LOT of memories there. But pictures add so much more to it. GREAT :[

ONE more week and it's over, I can't believe it. I'll miss a lot of people and I'll be glad to be away from a lot of people as well. I still haven't gotten my sash in the mail!! WTF >:| My crazy purple and teal sash. If I don't get it, I'm going to use the one I sold to my friend. I'm not graduating without a sash >:| But mine is cool and funky. I'll be the weirdo with the odd colored sash, while everyone will have the traditional black and gold, gold and black. OH Who cares, I'm a weirdo, might as well express that with my sash >:| 
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