Aug 31, 2007 20:01
So interactions between me and my mom have now deteriorated into hour long fights on the few occasions that we see each other and then she goes to bed. Wtf am i supposed to do. Everytime i talk to her all she does is bitch about how i don't eat right, i'm too lazy, i don't do my share around the house, i'm never here, i spend too much money, i'm always attacking her everytime she says something to me. When she starts this fucking verbal blitzkrieg i don't know what to do other than try to defend myself. My credit card bill is $5,600 this month because it includes my tuition, books, prescriptions, trays that i bought for my gmaw to eat on, a trash can i bought her, plus food that i bought for her about every two fucking days. I also have to pay for gas to cart my fatass around to do all of these things that i have to do. On top of this, i'm in the middle of two jobs and my paychecks are pretty bleak because i can only work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday because of school. Unfortunately i don't want to work ALL of my days off of school, so i work a double on fridays and one day on the weekend to try to maximize my hours. I've been trying to spend less, but everything keeps happening at the same time. LAME.
Ugh. Whatever. I know that my problems pale in comparison to everyone else's but fuck. I wish i could be like one of those people who's parents pay for everything and they never have to work.
Oh, and btw, my truck pretty much has four flat tires that i noticed today. Wtf.