Apr 18, 2007 09:44
MSAH = Metairie Small Animal Hospital
Apparently there was some confusion about this, lol.
I've become addicted to coffee and redbulls again. I'm surprised that the Java City in the UNO Library makes pretty good caramel soy iced lattes. This cannot be good for my bank account.
I've been randomly seeing Wesley everywhere. Hmmm.
Two more weeks of school...oh jesus.
So, yesterday I went to Whole Foods to visit Josh and get some food. I saw the Vanity Fair with a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio and a poar bear on the cover and i snatched it. It was their second annual "Green Issue" which always amuses me. I love the fact that they're trying to make people more environmentally conscious, but it seems a little silly to read about deforestation inbetween glossy pages of prada ads. I mean, I love fashion, but you've got to admit that it's a pretty wastefull industry where the environment is concerned. There were some good articles in there, though, and i'm always willing to look at Leo...especially if it helps the environment.
I also had a kind of awkward check out experience:
Me: *puts food on counter*
Skinny Bagger Guy: *points to Chicken Pot Pie sticker on my leg* So you're a Chicken Pot Pie?
Me: Yeah, lol, Josh gave that to me.
Cashier Guy: What, Skinny Bagger Guy? Do you and her have the same jeans?
Skinny Bagger Guy: No...she has a sticker on her jeans...I DON'T WEAR GIRL JEANS! My jeans aren't that tight.
Cashier Guy: Are you saying her jeans are tight?
Skinny Bagger Guy: No! We don't wear the same size! Her jeans would be tight on me...
Cashier Guy: I'm just trying to figure out what you're trying to say.
Skinny Bagger Guy: Um...I'm going to go over here. *goes to next line*
It was really strange, lol.
The end.