Jul 31, 2006 18:53
my life right now kinda sucks
i cant drive, because i have no medical insurance as of tomorrow. and my parents have made it clear that if i have to go to the hospital.. my college fund will pay for that
i have high cholesteral. i dont know how high, but kaiser left a message saying to call back, or email as soon as possible. yay
i love camp.. but i am always so tired after and don't want to do anything
ughh im so sick of getting into fights nearly every day. at least im not home alot
but my mom tried to set me up with this really awkward guy from pali.
and when i told my friend eric from camp, he said
"but he's not black"
haha everyone at akiba knows jewish and asian guys do not float my boat. so im made fun of. in a good way though
and i practice for at least an hour every day. if i dont make the orchestra at san jose.. i don't know what i'll do. probably cry