Oct 16, 2002 15:23
i went out to muhlenberg today again..... my mom and i dropped erica off at lafayette and then we did a tour at muhlenberg. ive seen it, obviously, but she hadnt, and she liked it alot. but it was cold and rainy. really rainy.
i got a blue m-berg sweat shirt at the bookstore. i was too cheap to buy myself one last time i was there, so i hit up my mom to buy it for me.
tonights the open house at tech. i dont know where im gonna speak, in the russian exchange room or in the jsa room. prob. in the jsa room. but i really love the fact that im jsa president and noone told me that they were going to have a room where they talked about it. rar.
mr. e. wanted me to talk about the russia programs. but what is there to talk about? what testimonial is there for me to give?
"Hi, my name is kathryn flynn and im a senior here at tech. i went to russia for four months during my freshman year. i enjoyed my time thoroughly. i drank like a fiend, and smoked too much. i got a 69 on my chem regents!! i did no work and cut class 4 out of 5 days a week!! yay!! go to russia!! you too can turn out like me!! a lazy ass kid with a 3.2 gpa, an 1190, and no work ethic!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!"
at muhlenberg, i went into the biology building. in there was a "bio museum" full of bugs, plants, animals, etc. in there were also 2 polar bears!!!!!!! one was stuffed and up on its hind legs and its mouth was open and looked like it was going to do a big roar, lolol. i'll need to think of a name.... hmmm...
now i need to say hi to someone........ HI ANGELO!!!!!! apparently i now have 3 people that read my journal: jason, matt, and angelo!! i <3 my ever so devoted readers!!! mwah!
g2g. homework, then tech.