Storytelling book recommendation

Feb 12, 2012 15:55

I just finished Medieval Tales That Kids Can Read & Tell by Lorna MacDonald Czarnota. It's a wonderful resource. Included are tales of William Tell, Robert Bruce, Robin Hood, Joan of Arc, Arthurian legends, Beowulf and Boudicca, as well as stories from Poland, stories about Charlemagne and Saladin, and others.

The stories are short and easy to tell. After each one the author includes tips on how to tell the tale and the historical background. She also lists her sources for each tale in the back. (Documentation!)

But what really sets this book apart from other story collections is the afterward, in which Czarnota writes about the history of medieval storytellers, storytelling technique, and how to make a t-tunic. (If you're going to be a medieval storyteller, you should look the part, after all.)

I'm sad that it has to be returned to the library. Read it if you get a chance.

medieval, legends, storytelling, sca

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