Plans ganging a-gley

Nov 08, 2010 00:18

How do you spell "agley" anyway?

So I didn't go to Road to Canturbury, and I didn't go to Flaming Gryphon Baronial Championships, but I did get a lot done this weekend. I hung out with professor types on Friday, worked on a paper I'm presenting next Saturday (on 16th century Mexico, so at least it's period), went for long walks both days, bought things I needed such as new pillows and a bathrobe, got my oil changed, performed my Samhain ritual and said good-by to a friend's cat that was nearly mine who died on Wednesday (hey, it was before the Simpsons Tree-House of Terror, so it's still within the season ;-) ), did house-work and finished grading movie review essays.

It was disappointing not to go to Road to Canturbury. That sort of event is why I joined the SCA in the first place; it gives everyone a chance to play in the Middle Ages. I also really wanted to see everyone from Brendoken again. But the 10 hour round trip drive would have knocked not only Saturday but Friday and Sunday out of commission as well. So I decided to be a grown-up and stay home. And I'm not sorry I did; it was the right decision. But it was also sad.

I hope everyone had a good time this weekend, whatever you did.

plans, events, sca

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