The 10 books every Scadian should have

Nov 07, 2004 03:34

Someone in my shire recently posted the above question to the shire's listserv. In no particular order, here are my picks:

"The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the Middle Ages: The British Isles from 500 - 1500," Sherrilyn Kenyon

"Medieval Holidays and Festivals: A Calendar of Celebrations," M.P. Cosman

"Medieval Europe: A Short History," C. Warren Hollister

"A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present vol. 1," Bonnie Anderson and Judith Zinsser

"Life in a Medieval Castle," Frances and Joseph Gies

"Life in a Medieval City," Frances and Joseph Gies

"Fourteenth-century Towns," Living History-Gulliver Books (depending on persona, can be substituted with "Knights in Armor," "The Vikings," or "The Voyages of Christopher Columbus," from the same series)

"Medieval Wisdom: Alchemy, Chivalry, Mysticism," The Little Wisdom Library

"Canterbury Tales," Geoffrey Chaucer

"Le Morte d'Arthur," Sir Thomas Malory

history, sca

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