Afternoon of Fun

Sep 27, 2009 21:43

Afternoon of Fun was, as usual, fun. An entirely outdoor event, I've never attended when it wasn't either raining or snowing (raining yesterday), but that's just part of its charm. I discovered my black hooded cloak works very well at holding off the rain, but stained the sleeves of my white chemise. Site tokens were monkey paws - I was very careful not to make a wish while wearing mine.

There is an annual ghost story competition, and this year I won. Most period ghost, vampire, and werewolf stories are actually quite boring for modern audiences. They go something like this: "Creepy thing appears. We all get scared. A priest prays. Creepy thing goes away." But the week before the event, I found "The shoemaker of Constantinople," a wonderfully complex twelfth century tale about obsession, necrophilia, disembodied heads, unstoppable villains, and courageous princesses. It's actually a cautionary tale about a type of shoes, but I left that part out.

I almost didn't go because of the rain, but it was worth getting wet. Hey, the weather was period.

event, storytelling, sca

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