
Sep 20, 2009 22:42

As demo coordinator for my local chapter of the SCA, I receive a fair amount of private correspondence. The request I received the Friday before Art in the Park, however, was a bit unusual.

A member of the shire told me that he had received a request from the mother of a girl whose boyfriend wanted to propose. The girl in question had a passion for the Middle Ages, and her boyfriend thought our demo, which they were planning to attend, would be the perfect backdrop.

So last Sunday, during the SCA's second performance slot, I began my traditional spiel ("We are the Society for Creative Anachronism, a non-profit, educational etc. etc.") and then went on to explain that we reenact activities of the Middle Ages such as (blah, blah, blah) marriage, (blah, blah, blah), and that "Our first performance will be by Michael so-and-so." The girlfriend said, "What have you gotten yourself into?" When Michael came onto the list field/stage, Zaliha said, "Wait, he's not properly dressed," and ran out to garb him. Once appropriately attired, Michael called his girlfriend up, got down on one knee, pulled out the ring, and proposed. The girlfriend said yes, and as I saw them hand in hand an hour later, I suspect she meant it. ;-)

It was fun arranging that. And ven if they don't join the SCA (and I did make sure they got fliers), that's one couple who will always remember the Society for Creative Anachronism.


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