Jun 21, 2006 20:16
Hehehehe. So overcome with glee!
I finished my first semester of uni, and im pretty sure i passed : S
I had my sax assessment yesterday.My pieces went REALLY well, even my memorised study, which i was impressed about.
Even the Bozza and Piazzolla went great. But then came the scales.
Oh god, I fucked them up so very badly. But apparently everyone did. Like i would be able to play Gsharp harmonic minor, broken chord, full range with an articulation pattern. Yeah. Right.
And then the lovely theory exam today. It didn't go as bad as i originally thought, but i still didn't understand half the questions in the final section. And the stupid listening project.. I know i got one song right XD the rest were educated guesses.
although i still have to work...
I wonder how i'll get graded for big band...
and sam - how do i make the bacon.gif smaller? I want to use it as my avatar