May 10, 2004 18:46
Its definitely been a super duper long time since I've updated. . . probably because I've been running around having fun elsewhere. hehee Anywho. . .I'm updating now because I'm procrastinating for my APES exam. . .which is tomorrow and which i've studied all of zero minutes for. I'm not actually planning on studying, but I feel kind of bad doing that. So instead I'm procrastinating about doing something I really plan never to do (can you even do that). . . ?? Whatever. . .go screwy logic.
Yea for actually skipping my first class today. Allison, Yousef and I all went out to lunch. (yea for allison losing her skipping virginity with me too!) Lunch = very good. Plus there was the added bonus of me seeing a car in the parking lot and being like "whoa! that person has a FCPS parking sticker they must be from mclean or langley" cue yousef, "kate thats your car" ::mary this is when you interject "here's your sign":: go me! Thanks to Allison for helping me choose my prom dress. . . she notified me like 5 other ppl had the other one I liked. So much for that now. Suz you still need to see it! We'll have to havea dress trying on day. The rest of today was spent working on my hot airballoon, going out with Nate (tons of fun), and filling out my housing application for UVA!
Jacob called yesterday! He graduated from basica on friday. Yea Jacob!!!!! I'm so proud of him (side note: my cousin's back from Iraq. Props to my family for not telling me this when it actually happened over a week ago! end side note) Jacob left this morning for Tech School. I should be able to hear from him now. smiles x 1000000000000. Plus he's sending me one of his naval pictures. My cousin had those done and they always look so good b/c the guys are in such good shape from finishing basic. YEA! I can't wait to hear from my monkey soon. He's the best.
Mmmm time to procrastinate in other ways by eating dinner. mmmmmmmmmmmm turkish food mmmmmmmmmmmmm!