It's too much work!

Apr 15, 2004 17:37

Argh. It's too much work to make this friends-only. I don't have time to change all the past entries.

So they found Jared this morning. (Jared went to UW-LaX and was missing since 2:30am on Saturday.) Unfortunately, he was not found alive.

I'm really hoping that I gave this girl pinkeye because it would teach her a lesson. We were doing trust walks in NSW and at the end, they paired us up with our partners for camp at the end of the summer. She was standing near me and was reaching her arms out to try and figure out who was around her and she hit me in the eye. I said "OK, that's my eye. Please stop poking it." and she is a crazy person and was like "Oh? That's your eye?" *pokepokepoke* Well, I didn't know that night that I had pinkeye, but I did. So it would teach her a lesson if she got it. And I would laugh. A lot.

Brian broke my balloon. Bastard.

Wow. It is impossible for my Bio lab partner to understand ANYTHING we do in lab. We had a two-week lab where we gathered data last week and presented it today. I had to explain to her 5 times while we were doing the lab WHY we had to remove the gene flow from the population after 50 generations and then continue running the simulation until the population reached Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Then I had to explain it to her 10 times today. I'm not kidding. I kept telling her why we had to remove it and she kept saying she didn't know why we had to remove it. I got really frustrated. The whole point of our specific lab topic was to see how long is took a population to enter Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium AFTER ALL THE HARDY-WEINBERG CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET. (i.e.-You add a factor that makes the conditions unmet, then you remove it so it meets them.) Argh. Plus there's the added bonus that she thinks I never do things correctly when I obviously have been considering I've been getting almost all of my lab points and she hasn't.

I have ANOTHER Psych exam on Monday. Haven't they made us suffer enough? We just had an exam when we got back from Spring Break. That was three weeks ago. THREE WEEKS! Final exams start in 25 days. 25 DAYS! So I'm going to take another Psych exam 20 days after I take this one. That makes me maaaad. Ah well. Life goes on! Who am I kidding...

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