Has it really been almost two years since I last updated this thing? Damn. Well, I'm back in school now. I'm doing a year-long paralegal certification program at FAU. Unfortunately, because I'm now full-time at the dear Barnes and Noble, it's taking me two years to complete the program because I can't limit my availability all that much. But, hey, at least it's something.
As for Barnes and Noble, I got promoted to cafe lead (kind of like the assistant cafe manager, I suppose) in January. The pay raise is very welcome, and I'm assured over 30 hours a week. And once I hit my five-year anniversary in June, I get three weeks of vacation a year. Not bad for a food service job. We're currently between cafe managers, though, as our last one just got promoted to assistant store manager. He's "running" the cafe in addition to his new duties, but, to be honest, he's kind of left almost all of it to the cafe servers. It wouldn't be so bad if he had trained me to, you know, do everything I should know how to do as a lead. But he liked to take on all responsibilities by himself no matter how much I told him I needed some training, so... I'm kind of overwhelmed. Hopefully, we'll get a new manager soon.
Anyway, enough about real life stuff. On to my nerdy obsessions! These days, I'm really in to Fringe, Doctor Who, and Game of Thrones.
I started reading A Song of Ice and Fire (the series off of which Game of Thrones is based) last year on the recommendation of a friend but stopped about a third of the way into the third book because I got distracted by other shiny things. When the series premiered on HBO, I picked up where I left off and now have about 400 pages left in the fourth book. Good stuff. I can't wait until the fifth book comes out in July. It's almost as bad as waiting for Harry Potter.
As for Fringe, I still don't know what to think about that season finale. To be honest, Peter's been kind of blah for me lately, so I don't care too much that he's supposedly gone. (Like he's not going to come back next season. Come on.) And Doctor Who's been great, but I still haven't seen the latest episode. Some kind person on my f-list spoiled it in a post without a cut, so I'm not in a big hurry to sit down and watch it. Can I just say how pissed off I am that the season is going to be split the way it is? I just want to watch 13 great consecutive weeks of Who, Mr. Moffat, not spend the summer months in agony waiting for its return! Between that and season 2 of Sherlock not premiering until the fall, I'm going to be a pretty unhappy fangirl.
Well. That's all I've got to say, really. I don't know when I'll post again, but I still lurk around LJ pretty frequently.