Books and music and other things.

Jul 19, 2007 00:11

Like, um, a lot of other people, I'm looking forward to the release of Deathly Hallows on Saturday (and since I'm working the midnight party thing, I get to get it before we close that night. Woohoo.) Granted, I'm a major spoiler whore, and, if any of these spoilers are real, I know how most of the book turns out. But that's not important. I was just sitting here, listening to music, and thinking how certain songs/albums make me think of certain books and vice versa. For example, Barenaked Ladies' Stunt album and the whole Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series are linked in my mind, because I was listening to that CD non-stop while I read the series. Same goes for A Perfect Circle's Mer de Noms and Goblet of Fire/Order of the Phoenix (not the earlier books, though, for some reason, although I read them all within a couple of weeks). Right now, I'm obsessed with Interpol's new album, and I have a feeling it's going to become the Deathly Hallows CD.

Speaking of HP, I haven't commented on the OotP movie, have I? Anyway, I loved it, and I'm going to see it at IMAX tomorrow with Shirley and my mom. (Don't tell anyone, but this will be my fourth time, although my first at IMAX. Shh.) The end was amazing, and I actually didn't cringe every time Daniel Radcliffe opened his mouth. Crazy, isn't it?

And in completely random other news, I somehow managed to crush part of my fingernail at work today while I was trying to cut a cheesecake in half. Using a pair of plain, old, regular scissors. I was going for the cardboard under the cheesecake. Somehow, I got my finger instead. Yay. It goes well with the burn I got from the grill last night.

work, harry potter, music

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