Aug 13, 2007 17:34
was enjoyable. Kalen and I were hands down the drunkest people at the party. It was crazy. Cassie made me cry because she started to hug me and tell me how much she's going to miss me. Once I started crying, I seriously couldn't stop. It was awful. I dropped my phone and broke it, but only for a few minutes. Danielle and I almost took down the reigning pong champs, but didn't have a strong enough rebuttle. I was taught how to play Asshole and actually did pretty well with it, considering my state of mind. Taylor and I shared delicious Pizza flavored Pringles and it was amazing. There were seriously so many people there and so many ridiculous pictures were taken. I am going to miss those kids so much.
was not enjoyable in the slightest. I woke up to get ready for work and felt like complete crap. I decided to call out, and right after I did, I puked. Karma. I continued to vomit off and on from that moment up until 3 PM. My head felt, and still feels horrible, but I can finally keep food down. Cassie and Kalen were dolls and took care of me today.