I'm about to head out of the office in order to get the jump on the weekend's events -- including going to Indianapolis for Winter Beer Fest 2012, and a tour of the
Vonnegut Memorial Library -- but realize that there is not too much to report otherwise. I'm at the front end of another busy semester and finally feel like I'm settling into the role of a teacher; at least, my interpretation of what kind of role I should play as a teacher. I've started going to yoga classes with a friend from work, and am really enjoying it so far.
I'm having a lovely time writing with
another_myself, whose talent and creativity never fail to impress.
I suppose I'm drifting away from Livejournal, not just because of the "Update 88" fiasco, but because it takes time to update and I've just run out of that particular commodity lately. I'm certainly more active over on
my Tumblr, but at present it's heavily Sherlock-centric, despite the fact that there are probably only so many ways to
flail over Benedict Cumberbatch's incredible face. Then again, probably not.
I also watch this Sherlock fanvid at least once a day, because, EMOTIONS*:
Click to view
* Spoilers up through the second series episode, "The Hounds of Baskerville"
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!