cuddy_fest prompt submission (almost a week early!)

Aug 18, 2009 21:05

Title: Blue Book
Author: katernater
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Summary: cuddy_fest prompt # 205: Cuddy/House. U-Mich fic. Their endocrinology class, "I cheated off you in the mid-term"
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing.

'A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education he may steal the whole railroad.' - Theodore Roosevelt )

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Comments 16

another_myself August 19 2009, 02:11:34 UTC
Oh, Kate.

Exquisite work, my darling, as always! I am so floored!


katernater August 19 2009, 03:07:04 UTC
Thank you! It had been a while since I'd written the two of them, so I had to go back and watch a couple of episodes to refamiliarize myself with their brand of, ah, "signature interaction."


another_myself August 19 2009, 03:23:32 UTC
I think you did a perfect job, lovey! Didn't we write a scene a lot like this? :D I think you did a brilliant job!


katernater August 19 2009, 03:34:44 UTC
I forgot just how hard it is to write Cuddy. I supposed I had just gotten into the routine of writing for curmudgeons, functional vampires and crazy island-dwellers who bake hams as romantic overtures.


awesomesquared August 19 2009, 02:29:31 UTC
gah. gah. GAH

Amazing. Once again, I am in awe of your awesomeboat.


katernater August 19 2009, 03:08:12 UTC
Aw, bless. Thank you for reading!


awesomesquared August 19 2009, 03:09:13 UTC
When are we talking, girlie? I have much to tell!


katernater August 19 2009, 03:18:30 UTC
Give me a ring anytime tomorrow! From the little tidbits I read on your journal, it sounds like you've got quite the story to tell.


aud_woman_in August 19 2009, 06:14:49 UTC
Fantastic! Your sense of setting and character voice are spot on - really a fun read.


katernater August 19 2009, 07:53:56 UTC
Thank you for the comment! It was a great deal of fun to write, so I'm glad that some of that transferred.


destiparted August 19 2009, 18:45:06 UTC
Oh wow, this is fantastic! Really great writing, wonderful characterizations..


tuckp3 August 21 2009, 01:14:12 UTC
first off: i TOTALLY remember those rooms from college and they sucked. thanks for stirring up that memory ;]

this was really great :] i can really see college cuddy being this anal :] and i love that HE didn't know HER name - it's always refreshing when he's not omniscient. it's also an interesting spin on them meeting. nicely done.


katernater August 21 2009, 04:21:03 UTC
Thank you very much for reading!

I'm drawn to their university years. Maybe because I just finished mine and I'm trying to hang on to that nostalgia. Plus, like Chase has said, they're "just to nasty to one another not to have been...nasty."


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