I've been working on the last minute details on my latest North Light book (official title is
Artist's Journal Workshop: Creating Your Life in Words and Pictures --but though it's available for pre-order there's no cover art yet!) and I'm really pleased with the whole process. Holly Davis, my editor, is a doll, very easy to work with...I've got all the permissions forms from the 25+ artists involved and I'm really excited about the quality of art.
I just got the dedication and acknowledgments off...
The only REALLY frustrating part is seeing the work my talented crew has done since we got the art in place in the manuscript! I keep thinking "WOW, I wish we had room for that! Wonder if we could fit that in somewhere..."
The good news is that I'll be doing interviews here with them, and I'll be able to use more of their art that didn't fit into the book. North Light's planning to use the interviews, too...it's great stuff, lots of hints and insights as well as nuts-and-bolts of journal keeping.
Above, a selection of my own watercolor kits, always looking for the lightest, simplest, but still versatile enough to let me do what I want to in the pages of my OWN journal.
I'll be sharing some of my own likes and dislikes and recommendations on materials and supplies here...keep watching!
Meanwhile, my little shed/studio is finished and furnished (mostly) and I use it frequently! You can keep up with that process on our blog,
Shed of Reality (as in sometimes I WANT to be shed of reality!)