A new step-by-step demo on The Artist's Network

Feb 12, 2010 18:06

Well, wow!  I just found the demo for the above painting on The Artist's Network!   It's here, if you're interested: http://www.artistsnetwork.com/article/painting-demo-lifting/   (and yes, I know you just saw this painting a few weeks ago!  Me too!)

(The demo is in my newest North Light book, Watercolor Tricks & Techniques: 75 New and Classic Painting Secrets
as mentioned here the other day.)

For some reason, steps 3 and 4 look bluer, online; they don't, in the book!  This was a wonderful trip to see kateslover a few years ago--we drove part of the Shenandoah National Park one autumn, running into rain just as the sun set.  This was the view looking south, from where we turned around--spectacular, isn't it!?

If you get the chance, visit Shenandoah National Park--maybe not just now, though!  There's about a foot or so of snow on the ground, and driving's probably not so much fun.  Bet it's gorgeous though...we've been getting photos from J's daughter and friends in the area.

We stayed at the Brookside Cabins the next time we went through this area--imagine a cold stream chuckling and bubbling about 10 feet from your back door.  Wish I were there!

watercolor, demo, shenandoah national park, watercolor tricks & techniques

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