Emeritus, originally uploaded by
Cathy (Kate) Johnson.
We visited Chet on Thursday, without mom--she was feeling under the weather and stayed home. I think it was good for J. and his dad to have a bit of time just for them; they shared the sports page and really, so much more. I think it meant a lot to both of them.
I stayed as much in the background as I could, as usual, but Chet and I did communicate while J. went off to look for something. I'm glad we had that opportunity; he is IN there, he knows what you're saying and can respond, it's just difficult for him to get the words out. I wish I'd known that the word he kept repeating was the town where he grew up, I might have been a more satisfactory conversationalist!
We stayed longer than usual, so I had time to sketch many of the other patients; those who noticed seemed pleased, though I tried not to intrude.
It's Chet's 87th birthday, today; we weren't able to stay over for it, but we're waiting for a call from his room. At least J. can tell him happy birthday!
Thank you all for your good wishes for the family; we can't tell you how much it is appreciated.