Repurposed Prang Watercolor box, refilled, originally uploaded by
Cathy (Kate) Johnson.
I don't know about you, but we live with some very mischievous house faeries. I used this box for months, on sketchcrawls and to travel with, then decided that for a while I'd go back to my lightweight folding plastic one with a bit more mixing room.
I LOVE this set. I took out the Prang colors and put in full pans of my own choice. There's room for a couple of brushes and a small sponge, too, as you can see. It's lightweight, handy, versatile, and just plain FUN to be using that old Prang box. I feel like a kid! It's playful...
And it's missing. I swear, I've looked everywhere! I thought I put it someplace logical, so it could be my Jeep set. Or the one for the truck. Or with the knapsack supplies. Or the green messenger bag I decided was a bit heavy, after all. Or my suitcase set...or maybe in by the computer. On the kitchen table? By the bed? Or........
Nope. Missing.
Along with my antique pencil box.
And the gorgeous repro of it that Vicky's sweet husband Bill made for me--I was going to photograph them together!
What the faeries want with all this, I don't know, but I hope they get bored and give them back, soon...
I should put this on a milk carton:
Have you seen this child?