...I just blew back into town a couple of hours ago, and have dozens of photos to download and lots of sketches and paintings to scan...manana! LOVELY trip to the Shenandoah Valley--not what we'd planned, but what we needed, I think...except for the bad fall
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I'm not really patient, I just try to accept things as they are. I set goals (sort of!) but try not to get too hung up in expectations.
It will be after he retires, a long year from now... :-( But he'll be here, and I'll go there again and we'll have good times in between. It's sort of like dating, with injuries. :-)
Oh, funny, we had planned THIS one to be nice, relaxed, no surgeries, stress, house buying, paper signing, family visiting or other people stresses. WRONG...
And yes, he is younger than most in the private sector. He was career Navy, retired from that, then went to work as a civilian for one of the departments of the Navy. He's eligible for that retirement next year, and will probably work at something else after that, but HERE!
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