It doesn't feel like Christmas

Dec 22, 2007 20:53

About this time of year I always get a surreal disconnect because even though there's Christmas stuff happening everywhere, it doesn't feel like Christmas to me. I've been in the States for a smidge over 5 years after living most of my life in Brisbane, Australia, so Christmas in winter just feels totally wrong. Christmas is a time of long, lazy days on the beach or watching cricket or just lazing around trying to stay cool. It's not supposed to be cold, and there certainly shouldn't be ice and snow. But the one thing that I really miss isn't any of that. It's gardenias.

Gardenias. Those lovely creamy flowers and the absolutely divine scent. In Brisbane, they come into bloom around
Christmas time.

The seasonal rhythms in subtropical Brisbane are something I also miss, even though I love the very different seasonal rhythm here in PA.

January, long lazy days on the beach, the February swelter eased sometimes by the thunderstorms. The cooler nights and soft air of March/ April, with chocolate eggs and Hot Cross Buns at Easter. Chilly nights and lovely sunny days through until around August, when the westerlies with the winds that cut straight through you start blowing (mind you, this is a part of the world that has never recorded a temperature below freezing point). Late September through October, the jacarandas bloom with a lovely soft fragrance and covering the trees - and the ground under them - in lavender blossom. Late November, the poincianas bloom (mushroom-shaped trees with
the most gorgeous scarlet blossoms - not to be confused with poinsettias) and the bougainvillea is in full color, an absolute riot of color. Then the gardenias and jasmine bloom, which is my personal Christmas signal. The students have a saying - when the jacarandas bloom it's time to study. When the poincianas bloom, it's too late.

Seeing poincianas in full bloom and then having the gardenias bloom are my personal "Christmas" signals. I still can't really process "Christmas in mid-winter"

Kate (the displaced Aussie)

p.s. For those who are wondering, here are some links: Jacarandas in bloom

Poinciana in about half-blossom -

Close-up of gardenia blossom -

Bougainvillea in full color

christmas, brisbane

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