this guy is going to give Obama's inauguration speech?
I remember scoffing when, in the very first episode of The West Wing, a fundie can't remember which is the First Commandment. I am no longer sceptical. Warren says: "God said in Genesis 1, a man and woman should cling to each other for life." Um, no, that's Genesis 2:24. That may seem like a nitpick, but it's a surprising error for a professional Christian - one who displays a sophisticated understanding of the different "laws" in the Bible, and yet not only seems to confuse monogamy with promiscuity, but a civil matter (the state's definition of marriage) with a religious matter (his church's definition of marriage).
That said, a surprising number of people have taken the
pizza thing seriously. It's a satirical joke, you gulls, as a moment's Googling would've made clear.